Ronnie W. Rogers
Calvinism’s exclusive doctrines position it in an untenable place when it comes to people spending eternity in hell. To mitigate the indefensible entailments of Calvinism that consign people to hell (the reprobate non-elect class), they offer various responses. First, they say the lost deserve to be there. While that is true, it does not tell…
Read MoreIt is often said that Sunday morning is the most segregated hour in America. The frequent implication seems to be, the church is the most racist gathering place in America. But is the presence of an all-white church evidence of a bigoted church? I think not, even though I recognize there are racially prejudiced people…
Read MoreI have written and spoken about the many fruits that still exist from God’s Conservative Resurgence which restored the primacy of the inerrant Scripture in and throughout all of our Southern Baptist entities. I have also written and spoken in a series In Defense of God’s Order and the Gospel–about the present peddling of destructive…
Read MoreOn February 2, I will start a Sunday morning sermon series entitled In Defense of God’s Order and the Gospel. I am an expositor in both heart and practice. For the past three years, I have been preaching through Matthew, and we are starting chapter 17. But I believe the current direction of the SBC…
Read MoreCalvinism rejects libertarian free will and believes in compatible moral freedom, which means everything and everyone is micro-determined. The following are the definitions of the two perspectives. [1] Compatibilism Determinism and moral responsibility are compatible; hence, the name. This compatibility is not achieved by compatibilism being less deterministic than hard determinism. Rather, it is achieved…
Read MoreI Believe: God loves every sinner and desires to save every person (Titus 2:11). A person who has been involved in homosexual acts or currently struggles with homosexual lust is salvifically loved by God, and can, therefore, be saved in exactly the same way as someone who struggles with heterosexual lust or the same way…
Read MorePhoebe Cates wrote an article that is posted on the ERLC website entitled, “Why our hearts matter when talking about Abortion.” I agree with the title of the article. We should have a broken heart over the tragedy of every abortion and a tender heart toward every person who needs Christ. We should approach the…
Read MoreCalvinism rejects libertarian free will and believes in compatible moral freedom, which means everything and everyone is micro-determined. For that to be the biblically reflective approach to understanding Scripture (what the Bible actually portrays and teaches), Calvinists would have to explain why the Bible, from Genesis two through Revelation twenty-two, is absolutely permeated with verses,…
Read MoreSome Calvinists argue that Extensivists (non-Calvinists) belief in libertarian freedom, and God’s foreknowledge of what such beings will choose still results in determinism, and therefore, we are all determinists; [1] thus, we have the same deterministic problem as Calvinists. [2] Calvinists believe this argument assuages the significant problems that are unique to Calvinism because of…
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