Think About IT: Man Made Global Warming . . . Are You Sure?

“On Feb. 24, 1895, The New York Times warned of the next Ice Age, and in 1923, the Chicago Tribune warned that ice would soon make Canada uninhabitable. But by 1933, the same papers were warning of the greatest rise in temperatures since 1776. Reports two decades later also spoke of a spike in global temperatures. Even TIME magazine reported on global warming in 1951, just two decades before [an] article on a new Ice Age.” ((see for entire article from which this information was gleaned))

The June 1974 issue of TIME Magazine quoted scientists warning of a new Ice Age. Newsweek, one year later, claimed that the evidence for such catastrophic predictions was massive. The New York Times, in 1975, noted that “a major cooling is widely considered to be inevitable.”

“The global average temperature dropped from its seasonal norm in recent months, and the Northern Hemisphere has had unusually extensive snow,” The Times report claimed. “But many experts have said those developments are almost assuredly a short-term wiggle on the way to more warming and melting from the influence of long-lived greenhouse gases produced mainly by burning fossil fuels and forests.”

“The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued a report March 13 that confirmed global temperatures were at their coolest levels since 2001. Pacific storms dumped record snowfalls in the American West, in the Northeast and in Canada. China experienced its harshest winter in a century. Snow cover in Siberia and Mongolia is greater than at any time since the mid-1960s, and even Iraq saw snow this year for the first time in recent memory.”

“One of the most telling signs invalidating the predictions of catastrophic global warming is the expansion of Arctic sea ice. After a supposed record thaw, the ice has returned. A report from the Canadian Ice Service, which has kept records on sea ice since 1972, noted above-average coverage of the Arctic. Gilles Langis, a forecaster with the Ice Service, said the ice also is 10 to 20 cm thicker in most places. The report from the Ice Service was corroborated by the Denmark Meteorological Institute, which said the sea ice between Greenland and Canada was at its most expansive in 15 years.”

“The nice thing about sea ice is that there is no analysis needed,” Stan Goldenberg, a meteorologist with NOAA’s hurricane research division, told Baptist Press in an interview. “This is raw data. You can look at the levels and see that it is colder.”

Now, I think climate change is an interesting topic and we as Christians should be informed and live lives that demonstrate good stewardship of what God has entrusted us with. However, unless your profession is related to climate change in some way, your focus should be on issues where there is no doubt that evil stampedes, e.g. divorce, child abuse, abortion, drug and alcohol abuse, secularizing of the public square, etc., lest, in two or three decades, after having trampled over a morally decaying culture in order to stop man-made global warming, one finds himself with a wasted life and frostbite.

Ronnie W. Rogers