Homosexuality, Marriage, and the Government’s Role

Homosexuals are pushing for absolute equality to heterosexual relationships including marriage. Should the government interfere in their “love” relationship?

Well, they have and do. Also, if one is going to justify homosexual marriage based upon “they love each other and it is no one else’s business,” then what about polygamy, incest between siblings and parents, and children who are of age?

The fact is that homosexuality, which necessarily includes homosexual marriage, has been illegal for most or our country’s history. Furthermore, countries regularly make laws regarding such. “Speaking of the desires of consenting adults, there’s the case of Germany’s Armin Meiwes, who, in 2001, enlisted Jürgen Brandes through the Internet to submit to being killed and eaten. And how did that hurt us? And who are we to interfere with the predilections of consenting adults….Well, in fact, societies do make such judgments. Meiwes, the “Rotenburg Cannibal,” is serving a life term in prison. Polygamy is illegal in countries as varied as the United States, Thailand, and Tunisia. Incest is widely forbidden in North America and Europe.”[1]

We may have passed the day where homosexuality will be outlawed again, but we can stop the degradation of marriage and others who struggle with this sin by refusing to grant normality to such.

Remember, we are a “government of the people and for the people.” Also, God gives the mandate to government to reward good behavior and punish evil (Romans 13:12-7). Scripture is replete and clear that homosexuality is a sin, “For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error” (Romans 1:26-27). See also 1 Corinthians 6: 9.

[1]http://www.kairosjournal.org/Document.aspx?QuadrantID=4&CategoryID=8&TopicID=14&DocumentID=14713&L=1; accessed 9-26-12

Ronnie W. Rogers