Think About IT: The Last Election–The MOST important Election EVER!

Every election is declared to be the most important election ever or at least in our lifetime. Of course, they cannot all bear that honor, so was this past election the most important election in our lifetime?

It was in this sense. It determined whether Obama-care would be s overturned or fully implemented and incorporated into the very fabric of America. Since President Obama was not defeated, Obama-care will not be overturned by any conceivable normal process of politics, law, or legislation. The die is cast, and America’s trajectory toward full-blown socialism is inevitable.

Dr. Richard Land, President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, spoke in our church on September 24, 2012. He noted that while Margret Thatcher reduced the top tax rate from ninety-one percent to twenty-eight percent and de-nationalized many institutions in England, such as the automobile and coal industries, she was unsuccessful in de-nationalizing England’s nationalized health care system. He further noted that “sixty-six percent of the population want to do away with England’s health care system, but are unable to.”

The reelection of President Obama guarantees the implementation of Obama-care. It will use tax money to pay for abortions, sex change operations, and whatever other such immoral actions the government desires to promote. It will most definitely require or result in decreasing the doctor/patient relationship, number of people becoming doctors, the best healthcare possible for patients who desire it, and caring for the weakest and oldest members of our society as created in the image of God rather than viewing them as unnecessary drains upon the system. All of these conclusions are evident for all to see in the operation of such systems abroad like England or at home in Medicare and VA hospitals. Unfortunately, this is the system the Americans chose in choosing President Obama, all asseverations to the contrary notwithstanding.


Ronnie W. Rogers