Think About IT: The Greatness of Great Loyalty

Great loyalty stands as a beacon of life and is most clear in the storms of disloyalty.

Ordinary loyalty is characteristic of the many and the good times, but Great loyalty alone survives and shines during the dark tempest of disloyalty of the many. For it is in the gales of disloyalty by those in whom you placed your trust that the genuine loyalty of nobles rescues you from an avalanche of the despair of isolation, loss of camaraderie, and support unleashed by the disloyalist.

If not for Great loyalist’s doughtiness in the face of the disloyalty of the ordinary, one would stumble headlong into the tomb of impenetrable loneliness.

Our Lord Jesus knows the pain of disloyalty. And He answered, “He who dipped his hand with Me in the bowl is the one who will betray Me” (Matthew 26:23).

Yet, he is the quintessence of Great loyalty, for he said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).

May our lives reflect toward others the Great loyalty of our Lord Jesus rather than the ordinary loyalty of Judas.

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Ronnie W. Rogers