Think About IT: Complaining and Dishonor

Complaining people dishonor themselves some, but God most!

There are of course times that God calls us to discern or expose weaknesses, fallacies, or flaws either in our present situation or even in others; however, far too often, complaining or being markedly critical masquerades as just “telling it like it is” or “speaking truth” when in reality it is nothing more than carnal grumbling.

Some who routinely exhibit brash impertinence seek to excuse their insolence by claiming to have the spiritual gift of “discernment” or “prophecy.” I for one am not convinced that all the prophets deserve being portrayed as always so impudent.

A critical spirit very often dishonors the individual and rather undeservedly disgraces others who are created in the image of God, but most often and principally dishonors God. It commonly does more to exhibit one’s own propensity to see the flaws of others more than the work of God in their lives. It obscures one’s awareness of his own flaws, which others must painfully and constantly endure; at the very least it detracts from blessing others and praising God for His work of grace in others.

“Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10).

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Ronnie W. Rogers