
A Calvinist Asked Me This Question, and My Reply Follows

By Ronnie W. Rogers / May 30, 2013 / Comments Off on A Calvinist Asked Me This Question, and My Reply Follows

“If all men are under the same propensity to believe and under the same affects (sic) of the fall, what would make a believer better than a nonbeliever that he should choose Christ?” 1. The issue is not that a believer is better (that idea may arise from viewing my position through the lens of…

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One Man’s Suggestions for Calvinists and Non-Calvinists

By Ronnie W. Rogers / April 18, 2013 / Comments Off on One Man’s Suggestions for Calvinists and Non-Calvinists

This article appeared in two parts on April 4th & 5th on SBC Today. Although I no longer don the Calvinist label, I do continue to recognize the system of thought as an option within historic Christianity as well as Southern Baptist life. Further, I have no interest in personally attacking my Calvinist brothers’ and…

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Response to a Review of “Reflections of a Disenchanted Calvinist”

By Ronnie W. Rogers / July 1, 2012 / Comments Off on Response to a Review of “Reflections of a Disenchanted Calvinist”

Although I do not normally read or respond to reviews of my books, I did respond to this one that appeared on Amazon. It is precisely the puddle jumping techniques that I address in the book. The first is what the reviewer said, and then my response. (We did not seek to correct his grammar,…

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