
Does Calvinism Believe Man is Free, Determined, or Both?

By Ronnie W. Rogers / April 23, 2018 / Comments Off on Does Calvinism Believe Man is Free, Determined, or Both?

I have a strong desire to enable people to more readily recognize the unmitigated determinism within every aspect of Calvinism. [1] This serves to make dialogue regarding the merits and liabilities of Calvinism clearer as well as enabling everyone a better opportunity to be aware of what they are actually embracing when they don the…

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Is Murder a Choice of Man or a Choice of God?

By Ronnie W. Rogers / February 26, 2018 / Comments Off on Is Murder a Choice of Man or a Choice of God?

The following is a question from a respondent to one of my articles. It was asked and responded to in a public forum. Hello You said, “Let me make sure I understand what you’re saying. My mother was brutally murdered when I was 8 years old. Are you saying my God wasn’t strong enough to…

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Compatibilism and Libertarianism: A Summary

By Ronnie W. Rogers / January 15, 2018 / Comments Off on Compatibilism and Libertarianism: A Summary

Much of the confusion in discussions between Extensivists (here used in place of non-Calvinists) and Calvinists is due to not understanding the different perspectives regarding man’s moral freedom. Calvinists believe man is free according to compatible moral freedom; in contrast, Extensivists believe man is free according to libertarian moral freedom. A clear understanding of these…

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God’s Knowledge of the Future Requires Neither Passivity nor Determinism

By Ronnie W. Rogers / January 8, 2018 / Comments Off on God’s Knowledge of the Future Requires Neither Passivity nor Determinism

Calvinism believes that God knows what will happen in the future, including everything each person will do because he has microscopically determined that humans perform such actions through decrees and compatible freedom. In very stark contrast, Extensivism believes that God knows everything including everything each person will do as well, but for different reasons. Extensivists…

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The Ghastly Gospel of Limited Atonement

By Ronnie W. Rogers / November 27, 2017 / Comments Off on The Ghastly Gospel of Limited Atonement

To be a consistent five-point Calvinist, a person must believe the Bible teaches that the benefit of Christ’s death is limited to actually having paid for the sins of only the unconditionally elect.[1] This means that the non-elect are condemned for rejecting what does not exist. To begin with, it is important to distinguish between…

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Is Reprobation Necessary for God to Demonstrate His Holiness and Wrath?

By Ronnie W. Rogers / August 28, 2017 / Comments Off on Is Reprobation Necessary for God to Demonstrate His Holiness and Wrath?

According to Calvinism, God voluntarily predetermined for some of the human race to experience salvation in order to display His mercy, while concomitantly and voluntarily predetermining to pass over most of the human race, thereby inviolably destining them to perish in hell. The former are known as the unconditionally elected and the latter are known…

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Extensivism’s View of the Origin of Sin and God’s Offer of Salvation

By Ronnie W. Rogers / July 10, 2017 / Comments Off on Extensivism’s View of the Origin of Sin and God’s Offer of Salvation

In a previous article I explored Calvinism’s view of the origin of sin and salvation through the lens of their belief in compatible freedom and the “mysteries” that such a view generates. To read it, just search “Calvinism’s View of the Origin of Sin and God’s Offer of Salvation” (posted on October 31, 2016). This…

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Calvinists Do Err: Superimposing Compatibilism & Determinism upon Extensivism

By Ronnie W. Rogers / May 8, 2017 / Comments Off on Calvinists Do Err: Superimposing Compatibilism & Determinism upon Extensivism

Paul Helm demonstrates an error common among Calvinists, which is to evaluate the cogency of Extensivist’s understanding of God’s salvation plan that includes man being endowed with libertarian freedom through the grid that compatibilism is prima facie true.[1] Rather than evaluating whether Extensivism provides a comprehensive, coherent, and biblically consistent perspective. In contrast, one of…

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Does God Have Two Wills?

By Ronnie W. Rogers / January 2, 2017 / Comments Off on Does God Have Two Wills?

Recognizing that the simple and straightforward message of Scripture is that God loves everyone and truly desires for everyone to hear the gospel and be saved by faith in Christ leads some Calvinists like John Piper to postulate that God has a secret will in which He does not desire everyone to be saved. That…

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Calvinism’s View of the Origin of Sin and God’s Offer of Salvation

By Ronnie W. Rogers / October 31, 2016 / Comments Off on Calvinism’s View of the Origin of Sin and God’s Offer of Salvation

Calvinists believe that man is free to choose according to his greatest desire. For example, Jonathan Edwards believed in what he called “strength of motive.”[1] He said concerning such, “I suppose the will is always determined by the strongest motive.”[2] Therefore, Edwards argued that one freely chooses to act according to his “strongest motive.” Regarding…

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