Ronnie W. Rogers
To soften the determinism of Calvinism, Calvinists must decrease the unflinching determinism of compatibilism.[1] Richard Muller seeks to do so through what he calls synchronic contingency. He says synchronic contingency “means that for one moment of time, there is a true alternative for the state of affairs that actually occurs.”[2] However, it is important to…
Read MoreClosely related to Calvinism’s problem with the fall is its problem with the presence of evil (See my articles The Word “Permit” Is As Micro-Determined as Everything Else; D.A. Carson Fails to Absolve God of Causing Evil, and Calvinism Fails to Absolve God from Causing the Fall ). The reality of evil is very problematic…
Read MoreD.A. Carson says of his position regarding moral freedom, “In the realm of philosophical theology, this position is sometimes called compatibilism. It simply means that God’s unconditioned sovereignty and the responsibility of human beings are mutually compatible.”[1] Commenting on Carson’s practice of improperly defining compatibilism (as he has done here), philosopher Paul Gould says, “Notice,…
Read MoreWhen Calvinists use phrases like “God does not desire man to sin, but He does permit sin,” it is easy to misconstrue their meaning of the word permit and understand it in the libertarian sense.[1] The libertarian understanding, which is the normal way the word is used and understood, would simply mean God created Adam and Eve so that they…
Read MoreThe color-blind principle does not mean we do not see a person’s skin color or detect that others are different from us (also referred to as color-indifference). Our church has about ten different ethnicities at any given time, although the particular ethnicities have varied over the years. I assure you that everyone can tell whether…
Read MoreA friend of mine ministers to inmates in a state prison. He recently shared this story an inmate shared with him. The man was in prison a few years ago, and while there, he belonged to a white supremacist gang. He was released from prison but then committed another crime. This time, he was sent…
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