Ronnie W. Rogers
Recently, I was asked what the Bible says about public nudity. As you well know, many believe that the taboo of public nudity is merely social, and that apart from societal mores, there is nothing immoral about public nudity. What does the Bible say? First let me be clear. I draw a distinction between task…
Read MoreRecently, Page Lynn presented a paper on the environment in The Ethics Round Table. From which, I suggested four guidelines to The Round Table to assist us in thinking and acting christianly about environmental issues and our involvement. Following are those four suggestions. For a fuller discussion of this issue I recommend Cornwall Alliance web…
Read More“There is a God” is the title of an excellent new book by the internationally known former atheist, Antony Flew. The book chronicles his journey into and from atheism over his long and influential life. Years ago I remember Norman Geisler saying that Antony Flew was the most formidable debater for atheism. Well, I have…
Read MoreRecently ALEXANDRA ALTER wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal about church discipline. While the story includes references to a few different churches that practice church discipline, the article focuses on the discipline of Mrs. Caskey by Allen Baptist Church in southwestern Michigan, pastored by Jason Burrick. Of course, the pastor is presented as…
Read MoreRestoring Integrity in Baptist Churches is edited by Thomas White, Jason G. Duesing, and Malcolm B. Yarnell III. This book is a must read for anyone concerned about restoring the biblical identity, value, vitality, and purity of the local church. The authors not only remind us that the local church in both its essence and…
Read MoreScience is often presented as, or understood to be, so objective that there is very little if any bias, and if there is any it will soon be found out and decisively dealt with. The objectivity of science is portrayed as towering above other means of knowing. Frequently, in one form or another, I have…
Read MoreSo we have been told by the Evolutionary establishment for the last thirty years. They have taught us and our children that there is only a 1% difference in the genome of a chimpanzee and a human. Thus, the only sequacious inference to be drawn from such an incontrovertible scientific fact is that humans are…
Read MoreAs Christians, we desire to know and follow God’s plan for our lives and this is true in the area of procreation as well. However, with advances in modern technology offering more and more options to augment or even replace natural relations between a husband and wife, what was once a quite simple decision has…
Read MoreRecently, we hosted Dr. William Dembski to speak on Intelligent Design (ID) at The University of Oklahoma. In preparation for his coming, some of our members produced a pamphlet that answered some of the most oft heard criticisms/objections to ID. The answers are clear and concise. For anyone wanting to better understand the ID position…
Read MoreIt is undeniable that some Americans just wish Christians would disappear from the public square. Since that is hopefully not going to happen, they spend most of their time and effort arguing that while it is ok to believe in Christ and the Bible, Evangelicals should not bring their faith into the public market place…
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