Ronnie W. Rogers
The following is Antony Flew’s recitation of the point by point refutation of “the monkey theorem” by Gerry Schroeder, ((Dr. Gerry Schroeder has a B.Sc. Chemical engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) M.Sc. Earth and planetary sciences, M.I.T., PhD Earth Sciences and Physics M.I.T.; He addresses a similar question “Can random mutations produce the evolution…
Read MoreThe vast majority of Christians will face difficult decisions regarding impending death of a loved one. I am refining this list, as well as still thinking through other principles, but these have proven to be quite helpful in guiding me to think biblically about such eventualities. Strong families are essential since family members are the…
Read MoreEuthanasic death is always promoted as an act of mercy. However, it appears at times to be an act of mercy for someone other than the patient. This was the case with Terri Schiavo, who had to be starved to death in order for her to die; a person who also had family who said…
Read MoreAsk just about any person living in the U.S. if they are certain about anything, and they will more than likely say, yeah, Global Warming. They know that if scientists say it, well it must be true. Umh! Well, do all scientists agree? Is there a consensus? Is man-made global warming certain? Not according to…
Read MoreAccording to the Associated Press, Gallup polls from 1994 to 2005 consistently show that more than 90 percent of adults say they celebrate Christmas, including 84 percent of non-Christians. Some Christians–as well as secularists, Muslims, Hindus, etc.–believe that Christians should not celebrate Christmas because the Bible does not command us to celebrate Christ’s birth, it…
Read MoreGod created man and placed him over the natural world, which includes the earth, the fruit of the earth, and the animal kingdom (Genesis 1:26, 2:1-18). This vision clearly places man over nature and signifies that he is more important than the natural world, as well as allowing him to enjoy and profit from its…
Read MoreIn a televised debate with Alan Keyes, Alan Dershowitz argued that he did not believe in God, while maintaining that people who do not believe in God can establish and do what is right, and there is no need to invoke God for us to be a moral society. He said repeatedly in one form…
Read MoreDid you know, “…that the British High Court ruled in a lawsuit that Al Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, “is scientifically flawed and has nine significant exaggerations and factual errors.” Among those exaggerations are the claims that sea levels could rise 20 feet by the end of the century, and that polar bears are disappearing…
Read MoreThose of you who know me know that I am deeply concerned about not only false teaching, but particularly the shallow insubstantial teaching of the Scripture in a growing number of our evangelical churches. This leaves this generation of Christians un-equipped and the next generation with very little knowledge of the Christian faith to not…
Read MoreHitler’s animosity and inhumane atrocities against the Jews are well known. His venom against them and his plan to use his own oratorical abilities to exploit them in order to resurrect Germany is a theme running though Mein Kampf. However, one should never forget how effective his devilish, albeit intellectually doltish, scheme was. Moreover, there…
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