Ronnie W. Rogers
I begin by quoting the statement he used from my article and then note his assessment. My response follows. You quoted me, “the gospel, according to Calvinism, is that God ‘loves to save some sinners and equally loves to damn most sinners to eternal torment.” You said that my statement was “patently false” and that…
Read MoreThe elders of TBC are grateful for the years that the Boy Scouts of America have faithfully taught young boys character development and values-based leadership training. We have been both supportive and encouraged by their historic strong stand for biblical values as the basis and guide for their training and character development of these young…
Read MoreBelow is my response to a blogger regarding an article I wrote for SBC Today. His statements come first, followed by my brief responses. He said, “In this case, we see that it was God’s desire to allow Adam to freely disobey if that was what Adam wanted.” My response: The disquieting reality of Calvinism…
Read More“In his book, Dr. Rogers writes, “…I mean that by grace, God gave man the ability to believe the gospel or not believe the gospel;…(thus the person has real free choice)” (p1) If God were to “equally” enable each person to believe the gospel then all would make the same decision, either all would choose…
Read MoreMy disregard for Calvinism’s deterministic view of God’s sovereignty leaves a Calvinist to respond in the following manner, as if there is no option but God according to Calvinism. His statement, “It may not be as pleasant to view God’s sovereignty in this way, but what is the opposing view…that God is unaware of who…
Read More“If all men are under the same propensity to believe and under the same affects (sic) of the fall, what would make a believer better than a nonbeliever that he should choose Christ?” 1. The issue is not that a believer is better (that idea may arise from viewing my position through the lens of…
Read MoreBefore you make the TULIP your flower of choice, consider it in full bloom. TULIP is used acronymically to succinctly point out the major emphases of Calvinism. I well understand that the use of the TULIP does not fully illustrate the depth and breadth of Calvinism. I do understand that some believe the acronym has…
Read MoreRecently, a Calvinist asked me the following question in an all too common fashion. He asked, “Are you saying that for God to be the perfect sum of love He must offer the gospel to all men equally? To give each and every man ever born equal access to the Word?” Here is my answer.…
Read MoreRecently, Richard Harvey presented a very helpful paper in the Round Table in Ideology that dealt with A Christian consideration and appraisal of Monism and the New Age Movement. The difference between Eastern and Western civilizations is a deep-seated contrast in worldviews, even a divergence of the meanings of logic, truth, and reality. A clear…
Read MoreIf we truly appreciate being forgiven, we will forgive others. It is ironic indeed, for Christians to extol God for His immeasurable forgiveness of our sins in Christ, and yet shamelessly withhold such forgiveness from those who may have measurably sinned against us. If we truly appreciate being forgiven, we will forgive others. How could…
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