Ronnie W. Rogers
“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8). Because of man’s sin, man is separated from God and destined to eternal hell. Because God is love and loving (John 3:16; 1 John 4:8), He provides man with the real opportunity to…
Read MoreThis is my latest book. The following is from the flap on the hardcover followed from an excerpt from the forward. To the traditionalist, the present contemporary church model appears irreverently trendy and unacceptably shallow, more influenced by culture than influencing culture. To the ecclesiastically avant-garde often known as the church growth movement, emergent, or…
Read MoreThis is the last article in this series, which looks at the strengths of interpreting the word “day” in Genesis chapter 1 as a normal lunar day and answers objections to this normal reading of the text. The first three considered strengths of such a reading and this final article considers some problem verses.
Read MoreThis is the third part of this series of articles, which looks at the strengths of interpreting the word “day” in Genesis chapter 1 as a normal lunar day. The fourth and final article answers objections to this normal reading of the text. As mentioned in a previous post, any evidence or arguments I make…
Read MoreThis is the second part of this series of articles, which looks at the strengths of interpreting the word “day” in Genesis chapter 1 as a normal lunar day. The fourth and final article answers objections to this normal reading of the text. All four parts are numbered consecutively.
Read MoreGenesis has been a battleground for some time, and today is no different. This is particularly true of Genesis 1-3, which is the account of the creation and the fall. When I first began studying the Scripture, I recognized the importance of the first eleven chapters of Genesis, but in retrospect I did not fully…
Read MoreAccording to Calvinism, God chose hell for most and help for few. While Scripture is clear that God is righteous and just if He sent everyone to hell, Scripture is equally clear that God does not claim to be merely just, but He is also inestimably kind and longsuffering. “Or do you think lightly of…
Read MoreThis article seeks to address the question: does physical birth demonstrate the Calvinist idea that faith precedes spiritual birth? Calvinists argue that the new birth (regeneration) precedes and provisions faith,[1] whereas I am contend that faith precedes and provisions the new birth. Calvinists frequently seek to demonstrate their belief by employing an argument based on…
Read MoreThe call to be faithful concerns today only. No one can live faithfully in the near or distant future. For example, one cannot walk in faith tomorrow, or even an hour from now, because faithfulness exists only in the moment. One may desire to live out his life in faithfulness to God, and therefore concern…
Read MoreThe greatness of loyalty is most clear in the storms of disloyalty. Quotidian loyalty is characteristic of many good times, but great loyalty alone survives and shines during the dark tempest of disloyalty. For it is in the gales of disloyalty by those in whom you placed your trust that the genuine loyalty of nobles…
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