Ronnie W. Rogers
“And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and…
Read MoreBy Your grace that has so radically and eternally changed me and Your Holy Spirit within me, the cry of my regenerated heart through the otherwise impervious layers of sin and selfishness is that my inner man wants to love, and love like You love me the most unfathomable thought I could ever have. Oh…
Read MoreRepentance is a friend that leads to God, and such a friend should always be eagerly embraced. A friend is someone who always seeks to help us be our best and seeks to bring us closer to God by making us more like Christ. Repentance is such a friend. Repentance brings us to God in…
Read MorePutting splinters before logs is the recipe for Pharisaism. Religious pride causes us to miss our own glaring failures and turn others’ splinters into logs. Permitting God to reveal ourselves to us as He sees us is the first step in helping others in godly splinter removal. If we fail to do so, our help…
Read MoreRecognizing that the simple and straightforward message of Scripture is that God loves everyone and truly desires for everyone to hear the gospel and be saved by faith in Christ leads some Calvinists like John Piper to postulate that God has a secret will in which He does not desire everyone to be saved. That…
Read More“Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16) The church in the New Testament has replaced the sacred Old Testament temple. The New Testament says that Christ’s body is a temple (John 2:19-21), the universal church is a temple (Ephesians…
Read MoreHumility rather than confidence is the proper apparel of security. In the security of our lives going well, we can often envisage ourselves as acting supremely in future difficulties or if we were suffering the present peril of others. We should learn from Peter. Christ told Peter of his future denial of Him, and Peter…
Read MoreThe call to be faithful concerns today only. No one can live faithfully in the near or distant future. For example, one cannot walk in faith tomorrow, or even an hour from now because faithfulness exists only in the moment. People may desire to live out their lives being faithful to God, and therefore concern…
Read MoreAs the prophets of old before Him, Christ promised that He would rise from the dead. That is a celebrative and uplifting promise. However, the truth is, He also predicted His death. His death was the worst of all deaths because His death was a ransom for the sins of the world. He died swathed…
Read MoreOh Lord please, I beseech you, guard my heart, and mind. Guard them from pondering ingratitude, betrayals, arrogant religious talk, and others self-righteousness lest I become what you loathe. For to ponder such can only lead to dying from within as the root of bitterness’s fecundity produces growth that chokes the Word in my life…
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