Ronnie W. Rogers
To be a consistent five-point Calvinist, a person must believe the Bible teaches that the benefit of Christ’s death is limited to actually having paid for the sins of only the unconditionally elect.[1] This means that the non-elect are condemned for rejecting what does not exist. To begin with, it is important to distinguish between…
Read MoreWhether one has chosen the Lord’s will is not determined by whether things get better. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus surrendered to the cross that lay before Him, bearing our judgment, and that was of course the eternal plan of salvation; therefore, He made the right choice. He was in the perfect will of…
Read MoreThe Friendship of Church Discipline and the Gospel On one occasion, the chief priests and elders approached Jesus while he was teaching and asked him, “By what authority are You doing these things, and who gave You this authority?” (Matt 21:23). While it is obvious that the priests and elders were disputing rather than making…
Read MoreShowing the gentle kindness and concern of Christ toward those who love us is good, but such disposition toward our enemies is indeed supernatural. If we are truly showing Christ’s love, it can never be limited to those who love us or those whom we believe will reciprocate. Christ commanded us, “But I say to…
Read MoreCompliments are more pleasing to the ear and honoring to Christ when they come not from the complimented. Matthew was a tax collector prior to following Christ, an occupation which was one of the most loathed by the Jews. They saw them as traitors. If God had not used Matthew to pen the gospel that…
Read MoreSELECTED STUDY BIBLIOGRAPHY 5/31/16 The Bible Knowledge Commentary, New Testament, John F. Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck, Victor Books, 1984 The Bible Knowledge Commentary, Old Testament, John F. Walvoord and Roy B. Zuck, Victor Books, 1985 Unger’s New Bible Dictionary, Merrill F. Unger, Moody Press, 2006 Logos Library System, several upgradeable levels are available. Find…
Read MoreServing in the work of our Lord Jesus provides ample opportunity for turning a servant’s heart into a cynic’s heart. An act of betrayal can hurt so deeply, disappoint so significantly, and rupture faith so cunningly that we can find ourselves moved a step or two away from the servant’s heart and closer to the…
Read MoreAuthority without submission is the stuff of which tyranny is made. Before a person can exercise godly authority as a leader in the home, church, or culture, he must learn how to be under authority (Titus 2:1-14). Godly servant leadership is developed in the context of learning how to be under authority. This includes learning…
Read MoreChristians should know that however much more we believe we know than others, we really know so little in comparison to what some know, what we shall learn, or what can be known. We should always seek to know more and know what we know better. But being aware of the vastness of what we…
Read MoreThank You for this blessing beyond the beyond. In this You have enabled me to grow deeper in my understanding of You as my Father, though, I make no comparison of quality, only of enlightenment. It has truly enriched my understanding of sacrificial love, devotion, caring, sadness, and joy that a child can bring. It…
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