Ronnie W. Rogers
Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? (1 Cor 3:16) The church in the New Testament has replaced the sacred Old Testament temple. The New Testament says that Christ’s body is a temple (John 2:19–21), the universal church is a temple (Eph…
Read MoreAs our Father, God has delighted himself in granting us some things without our asking him in prayer. He does this out of love. He also withholds some things until he is asked, and this is also done out of love. This latter aspect of prayer relates to things God has made conditional; that is…
Read MoreThe Bible is clear that God loves righteousness and holiness, abhors sin, and desires his creation to choose righteousness and holiness. This is evident prior to the fall (Gen 2:17), immediately subsequent to the fall as seen in his swift judgment upon sin (Gen 3:14-24); the repeated calls for holiness prior to his covenant with…
Read MoreBoth Calvinists and Extensivists (non-Calvinists) speak as though things such as prayers, trials, miracles, preaching, testimonies, child rearing, education, and other influences play a vital part in salvation; these, along with a host of other influences may be categorized as events. It seems as though we all really mean these kinds of events play a…
Read More“Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation” (1 Peter 2:2). Our willingness to be equipped today will significantly shape how and how much God uses us in the future. We begin our Christian lives as babes in Christ (1 Cor…
Read More“Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He will do it” (Psalm 37:5). At times Lord, it seems I am overly concerned about the future. You have more than provided for us. Still, I feel that I have failed to plan for the future. But Lord, You know in my deepest…
Read MoreTwenty-six large financial supporters have sent a letter to SWBTS Board Chairman Mr. Ueckert and the Executive Committee. The letter records charges of several errors, including lack of biblical moral dignity, legal infractions, and Bylaw breaches that were made by the Board, particularly Chairman Ueckert and the Executive Committee. The letter calls for an investigation…
Read MoreJesus said, “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” (Matt 5:44). We all know this verse but actually doing this or even knowing someone who regularly prays for their enemies is quite another matter. Several years ago I was experiencing one of the most difficult times of…
Read MoreIncluded in this article are some personal thoughts regarding Dr. and Mrs. Patterson, a response by the Patterson’s lawyers to the charges made by the trustees, a link to some enlightening comments and documents provided by Sharayah Colter, links to the three public statements by the trustees of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS), and articles…
Read MoreThe determinism of Calvinism is best understood as micro-determinism because it is not limited to the area of salvation (including reprobation). Well-known moderate Calvinist Millard Erickson, in contrasting Calvinism and Arminianism, says of Calvinism, “Calvinists believe that God’s plan is logically prior and that human decisions and actions are a consequence. With respect to the…
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