Ronnie W. Rogers
While many don the designation Calvinist because they have endeavored to learn all aspects of Calvinism and are thereby convinced that it provides the most cogent, comprehensive, and consistent grid through which to understand Scripture, others adopt the label less nobly. Of this latter kind, it seems to me many assume the title Calvinist because…
Read MoreIn both Calvinism and Extensivism, God knows all that could happen, and all that will happen. [1] The difference is in how he knows. According to Calvinism, his knowledge of what could and will happen is based upon his micro-determination. [2] Another way of saying God knows what could happen is God knows what he…
Read MoreOnce again, the Houston Chronicle has endeavored to malign Dr. Patterson by their portrayal of his handling of a very public and difficult situation that happened in the 1980s regarding a young pastor named Darrell Gilyard. Although Dr. Patterson did not ask me to post his response to the Houston Chronicle, I requested his permission…
Read MoreIn the quest to seem with it in our present scientistic milieu, preachers and Christians often pursue fluency regarding the latest polls, statistics, and studies (punctiliar thinking) more than they seek understanding of the Scripture and linear thinking. This quest is often characterized by indiscriminate reliance upon and usage of these tools, which actually leads…
Read MoreRomans 9:22-23 is often cited to demonstrate God’s sovereign choice in creating some people for eternal destruction so that he might demonstrate his wrath while making other people to be recipients of his eternal mercy. This understanding highlights God’s eternal, unconditional election. This way, God could put his wrath and mercy on display, which otherwise…
Read MoreAs mentioned in my previous article on Jacob and Esau (Rom 9:10-13), Calvinists use Romans chapters 9-11 as the undeniable evidence of Calvinistic soteriology, defending both unconditional election and reprobation. Regarding chapter 9, B.B. Warfield says, “It is safe to say that language cannot be chosen better adapted to teach Predestination at its height.” [1]…
Read MoreThe 2019 SBC annual meeting met on June 11-12. The messengers adopted several resolutions, one of which was a resolution on Critical Race Theory (CR) and Intersectionality (IN). [1] While I appreciate the Resolutions Committee seeking to speak to current issues from a biblical perspective, I think this resolution lacked due consideration. Before I suggest…
Read MoreCalvinists use Romans chapters 9-11 as the undeniable evidence of Calvinistic soteriology, defending both unconditional election and reprobation. A.W. Pink says, “Romans 9 contains the fullest setting forth of the doctrine of Reprobation.” [1] John Piper says that Jacob and Esau “were appointed for their respected destinies before they were born.” [2] In response, to…
Read MoreIf you would like to listen to my interview with Leighton Flowers about my new book, “Does God Love All or Some?”, here is the link to the podcast on Soteriology 101. The interview is entitled, “Calvinistic Pastor of Thirty Years Recants Calvinism”.
Read MoreIn this article I intend to highlight some of the spiritual dangers of our current psychological milieu. My comments are not intended to dismiss the contributions of psychology or psychiatry, but rather to offer information to enable us to be biblically discerning. Professor David Larson of Duke University Medical School draws attention to biases in…
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