Understanding the Danger of Equating Social Justice with Biblical Justice

The following resources provide an understanding of the social justice movement of our day, and why many Christian leaders reject it as culturally defined. These resources expose and explain the basis of social justice ideology and vocabulary. The social justice movement is not sanitized just because it is accepted by some Christian leaders and uses Scripture, nor should it be confused with Biblical justice.

  1. Understanding Social Justice:
    1. https://www.heritage.org/poverty-and-inequality/report/social-justice-not-what-you-think-it#_ftn5. accessed 11-6-19
  2. Understanding Critical Race Theory:
    1. https://www.britannica.com/topic/critical-race-theory accessed 10-27-18
    2. The Frankfurt School and Critical Theory: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
      1. https://www.iep.utm.edu/frankfur/ accessed 10-28-18
    3. An excellent and very thorough article on Critical Race, Intersectionality, and Social Justice. It is long but worth the read!
      1. https://ratiochristi.org/engaging-critical-theory-and-the-social-justice-movement/?fbclid=IwAR1u2pgANp__zBd9VtLh1x1fryXlliewi_qdPHOi8etJcDpvTqEm5PoPxts%20accessed%2012/6/19
    4. Two good articles related to the adoption of Marxist ideas into the Evangelical church
      1. Evangelicals and the Encroachment of Cultural Marxism, by Ardel B. Caneday
        1. https://docsandlin.com/2018/08/31/evangelicals-and-the-encroachment-of-cultural-marxism-by-ardel-b-caneday/ accessed 11/8/18
      2. To Oppose “Social Justice” is to Oppose Cultural Marxism, by Ardel Caneday
        1. https://docsandlin.com/2018/09/10/to-oppose-social-justice-is-to-oppose-cultural-marxism-by-ardel-caneday/ accessed 11/8/19
      3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIlnLU-vt_g&feature=youtu.be
        1. E.S. Williams, a member of Charles Spurgeon’s London Metropolitan Tabernacle; explains C.T., CRT, Intersectionality and Mohler’s involvement.
  3. Understanding Intersectional theory and Ideology
    1. http://capstonereport.com/2019/06/12/breaking-sbc-elites-offer-resolution-praising-critical-race-theory-and-intersectionality/32583/ accessed 10/30/19
    2. https://founders.org/2019/09/04/yes-the-social-justice-movement-is-a-threat-to-evangelicals/ accessed 10-30-19
    3. http://wmh.24c.myftpupload.com/2019/06/18/resolution-9-on-critical-race-theory-and-intersectionality-some-suggestions/
  4. Understanding Black Liberation Theology
    1. A Black Theology of Liberation – fortieth anniversary edition, Oct 19, 2011, by James H. Cone. He is the formulator of this idea, which is derived from Liberation Theology in Latin American Countries. For a briefer look into Black Liberation Theology, the following article is helpful.
  5. Other informative articles on Social Justice and the gospel
      1. http://www.equip.org/PDF/DL100-2.pdf on Social Justice & the Gospel: This statement explains why many Christian leaders either are leery of or oppose the evangelical embracement of the social justice movement.
        1. https://statementonsocialjustice.com/ accessed 11/8/18
        2. Also see Social Injustice and the Gospel by John MacArthur, August 13, 2018, https://www.gty.org/library/blog/B180813
      2. https://epecarticles.com/2019/05/25/the-philosophical-foundations-of-the-social-justice-movement-existentialism-graham-floyd-ph-d/ accessed 10-30-19
      3. EPEC ARTICLES Christian Worldview and Public Policy, https://epecarticles.com/
        1. Examining Democratic Socialism in America, Part 1 by Dr. Marvin Jones, https://epecarticles.com/2018/08/18/examining-democratic-socialism-in-america-part-1-by-dr-marvin-jones/ accessed 11/11/18
        2. Examining Democratic Socialism in America, Part 2 by Dr. Marvin Jones, https://epecarticles.com/2018/09/17/examining-democratic-socialism-in-america-part-2/ accessed 11/11/18

Compiled by Ronnie W Rogers 11/12/18

Ronnie W. Rogers