Reflections of a Disenchanted Calvinist: The Disquieting Realities of Calvinism

My latest book has finally reached the point of publication. Although I do not think that reading the introduction of a book, including my other two, is critical to understand it, this book is an exception. To fully understand the format, terms used, and the spirit in which I wrote the book, it is essential to read the introduction.

“Reflections of a Disenchanted Calvinist: The Disquieting Realities of Calvinism engages one of the classical strands of Protestant thought with the classical strength of Protestantism–shedding the light of the Scriptures on the questions of the faith. This book leads readers through the intricacies of Calvinist thought, touching on such topics as the sovereignty of God, predestination, unconditional election, the origin of evil, free will, and faith and works. The intent of this journey is to provide a critique of Calvinism and to present readers with a clear picture of the ramifications of subscribing to Calvinist doctrines. Chapters address particular theological topics by stating both affirmations rooted in the Scriptures and disaffirmations drawing their support from the Scriptures as well. The lines of thought do not shy away from complex theological questions, but instead rely upon the riches of theological reflection to assure the critiques of Calvinism are fair both to the doctrines and to the Scriptures. If you are a part of the Calvinist tradition and want to explore the nuances of your background, or if you locate yourself outside of that tradition but have deep curiosity about the questions the Calvinist tradition raises, then Reflections of a Disenchanted Calvinist: The Disquieting Realities of Calvinism offers a rigorous guide to exploring the depths of the tradition and critique of the tenets of Calvinism.”

Copies are available in hardback or paperback at Trinity Baptist Church or in hardback, paperback, and electronically at


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Ronnie W. Rogers