How I Know Social Justice Is Cultural Marxism

I want to set the record straight on the appropriateness of using cultural Marxism and social justice interchangeably. Below is a list of thirty brief reasons why we not only can use the two terms interchangeably but, for clarity’s sake regarding the nature of social justice as presently promoted, we should do so. To fail…

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Exposing the Unjustness of the Social Justice Movement!

On March 14, I preached two messages with the same title as my book, A Corruption of Consequence. I explained such things as how Critical Race Theory and Martin Luther King are in conflict, the fallacy of equal outcomes, how the views of leading neo-Marxists Max Horkheimer, Antonio Gramsci, and Herbert Marcuse, are driving the…

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A Corruption of Consequence: Adding Social Justice to the Gospel

I have written this very readable book to help Christians and pastors understand cultural Marxism and its influence on social justice, critical race theory, intersectionality, and to understand the clear and present danger to the gospel, Christianity, and America. Because, Marxian social justice poses an imminent and grave threat to every American, including our children…

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The Bible Unifies and Social Justice Divides

As in Marxism, social justice (cultural Marxism) emphasizes group identity and responsibility rather than individual identity and responsibility. The groups may be composed of people who neither suffered nor inflicted wrong. Merit or guilt is based on such things as skin color, sex, and group size. Social justice determines what is right or wrong, and…

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Social Justice Dishonors Black People

I believe the present emphasis on social justice and critical race theory rather than God’s impartial justice disparages all humans by treating them as something less than they are, which is created in the image of God (Gen 1:26-28). First, they do so by being based on a Marxian materialistic view of reality. Second, because…

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Biblical Justice Triumphs over Social Justice

Social justice: While social justice and cultural Marxism are not synonymous, they can rightly be used interchangeably as I have done. [1] They both seek a redistribution of wealth and power from the groups who have it to the ones who do not. That is to say, from the majority to the minority, and in America,…

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Resources for Christians Thinking through Social Justice Issues

These articles, messages, and links are provided to help Christians remain faithful to the Scripture in our actions, heart, and speech at a time when many evangelical leaders are abandoning clear biblical teaching. Or they are unjustifiably mixing biblical teaching with cultural Marxism, social justice, critical race theory, intersectionality, and terminology from Black Lives Matters…

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