A Prayer for Facing and Not Fearing the Future

“Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He will do it” (Psalm 37:5).

At times Lord, it seems I am overly concerned about the future. You have more than provided for us. Still, I feel that I have failed to plan for the future. But Lord, You know in my deepest being, I desire to follow you; not that I have truly sacrificed, but it seems to be a sacrifice because I am so frail, weak, and sinful.

Lord, you know in my weakness, I seek to make my decisions based upon following you. I have no regrets except that I have not served you in any way like you deserve; for then I would go, stand, speak, and give without ever considering how it might affect me, but instead, I wrestle with fear. Only by your grace am I able to walk away from earthly things and pursue what I cannot see.

You know I desire to know what is coming and to prepare for such, but that is rarely a part of the walk of faith. What if I lose my job, am disabled, must retire, or die and leave my family in want? I have no answer. Not that I believe I would have been a financial success if I had sought something other than the path you have me on, but I know that would have been a priority, whereas, in following you it has not. I pray that today I will not let you down. Please let me not come to the end, which only you know, having let your holy name down.

You have been so gracious to rebuke me about fretting over the future, and I pray that you would remind me again so I will trust only you. I can think of countless things that could happen for which I have not made provisions. May I walk in my faith knowing that you have provided plenty. May I seek to be a good steward of what you have provided today. I am in your hands, and that is what I desire. Let me not make decisions about the future that tempt grace or eschew trust. Let these years honor you more than my earlier years of following you.

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Ronnie W. Rogers